Statement on Recent Shootings

Our deepest condolences to the families, friends, and colleagues impacted by the recent acts of terror inflicted on innocent people in Buffalo, NY, Orange County, CA, and Uvalde, TX. These were souls who were just living their lives – grocery shopping, going to church, and attending school – in routine activities that should be safe spaces.

The team at Mpact International is heartbroken and grieving with the nation as we, again, process these senseless acts of violence. We also remain resolved that just because this is where we are as a country today, doesn’t mean it is where we will stay. We believe in the ability adopt new beliefs, to reform habits, and to aspire to something better, regardless of how daunting the task may seem. We stand in solidarity with leaders who seek to enact change around gun laws and to legislate in ways that will make it safe for all of us to live our lives.

In Peace – Mpact International

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